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When I Get A Round Tuit

Updated: Sep 14, 2021

A round tuit. New day? New you? Me, too!

My mom was good at do-overs. If a recipe didn’t work the first time, she tweaked it and tried again. If she had a bad day and couldn’t get out of bed, she did her best to accomplish even more the next day. She was very engaged for a person who couldn’t get out of the house as much as she’d like. She sold handmade items on consignment at a handicraft store in Salt Lake City. It was the 1970s' pre-internet version of Etsy. One of the items she made was a hot pad with appliquéd letters that spelled “Round Tuit.” We had extras around the house, so when I’d say something like, “I botched that, big time. Maybe I’ll try again later when I get around to it,” she’d toss me a hot pad and say, “It’s your lucky day! You just got a round tuit.”

With a little research, I learned that the phrase was first used in the 1964 World’s Fair held in Queens, New York. You can still buy a “round tuit” on Amazon.

Needing a do-over or getting around to it were common concepts to my mom. She understood the need to start over, with each day fresh. She’d say, “New day, New you? Me, too!”

MEMORY PROMPT: Was there ever a time when you got a round tuit? #MomsCompanyTowels #IneedaDOover #roundtuit #newdaynewyoumetoo

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