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Use More Gears

Snoopy on a ten-speed. Life is like a ten-speed bicycle. Most of us have gears we never use.

Day Four: Thursday is THANKSDAY in my Company Towels world, and today I’m thankful for January and its untapped potential, with a brand new planner, its fresh pages begging to be filled, and a calendar with little squares ready for events and birthdays and the carrying on of life. That’s right. I’m a jotter nerd and a list enthusiast. Mama taught me there's no shame in that. I’ve already divulged my obsession with to-do lists on The Jotter HERE if you care to read the full confession.

Back in college, Mom gave me this poster along with some good advice. Her note read, "Remember, you’re in college to discover more of your gears." Oh, Snoopy, your paws don’t reach the peddles, yet you’re so wise. My mom loved everything Peanuts, but that’s for another day.

I say to you what she said to me: You’ve just been given the opportunity of being alive today. It's time to discover more of your gears. Spend it discovering YOUR untapped potential!

Memory Prompt: Who set a good example of using all one's gears? What's one way you can discover more of your untapped potential?

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