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Two Letters + Seven Goals = New Year

Two Letters plus seven goals equals a happy new year.

🎉Happy New Year, everyone!! 🎉I finished a yearly goal yesterday, and I’m determined not to lose momentum. I learned a bit about living with intention, instead of letting life “happen” to me. Of course, no one can control the future, but we can put ourselves on the right path and nudge ourselves in the right direction. We can surely control that much. So, I am writing two letters to myself today, and setting some new goals for 2019, and I thought it would keep me honest if I jot down the generalities.

First, the letters: I’ll write a letter to the woman I was yesterday. I’ll review the year, forgive myself for the failings and shortcomings, and leave the past in the past. Then, I’ll write a letter to the woman I’ll be at the end of 2019. I’ll list some expectations. I’ll point out the things that didn’t work so well last year and what I hope to change this year. I’ll keep both - one to read when I need reminding that I’m not the woman I was last year, and one to read when I can’t connect with the woman I want to be.

Next, the goals: These are the lanes on my 2019 path—which really make it more of a seven-lane freeway:

Spirit: Our church is focusing on home-centered/church-supported study this year, so David and I are setting goals to study together. I’m super excited about this, because he is my study buddy, and more importantly, my eternal companion.

Memory: To continue from last year, I’m determined to jot down one memory every day. I’ve learned this is an excellent exercise for my memory, and a gift for my ancestors and my descendants.

Family: To make new memories! And record them! Last year connected me to so many of my loved ones, and this year is about strengthening those connections!! Wife, mom, grandma, sister, niece, cousin, aunt, friend.

Brain: For me, reading is the best brain exercise, so I’ll challenge myself to read a book from a new-to-me author; a book from translation; a biography of someone I admire; a book from a genre I don’t usually choose; a book about a topic that fascinates me, and a non-fiction book on a subject I know nothing about. All the other books will be purely chosen for fun.

Passion: My passion is writing. In 2016, I had 3/4 of a new series written. But then I set it aside to revisit my first series and ready it for publishing. It took all of 2017. And in 2018, I set it aside to record memories of my mom, which morphed into publishing Mom’s Company Towels. So, this is the year. No more setting it aside. It is officially my WIP, my work in progress for 2019.

Home: Our home was built in 1897. Yes, 1897, which means we’re in a constant state of refurbishment. Last year was all about the back yard. This year, the living room gets the attention.

Health: Last, but never least, is my determination to eat healthier, move more, and get stronger. Together, David and I have set goals in all three areas.

What about you? What does your 2019 freeway look like from the Starting Line? Where do you want it to take you? Set some goals, tell somebody who will nudge you in the right direction, and live 2019 with intention, because it’s gonna be a great year if we do.

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