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Touching Base

Touch base with your spirit, creator, tribe, body, brain, memory, and abode.

January is change in the air; crisp and cool and full of possibility, and we only have one week left! For me, January is the month for trying new goals and new processes to reach them. Since January 1, I’ve been trying these on for size, and I’m thinking they’re a fit! Disclaimer: Yes, this is what is going on in my brain. It’s called self talk, and you do it, too. Please tell me I’m not the only one!

Touch base with my spirit. “Hey there, Inside Me, how are we feeling today?” Touch base with my creator. “Hello, Heavenly Father? I’ve been thinking .....” Touch base with my tribe. “I’m concentrating on my people, because someone needs to know I love them today.” Touch base with my body. “Let’s get out of this office and go on a walk together.” Touch base with my brain. “I know I’ve kept you busy all day, but how about writing a chapter before bed? It’ll be fun!” Touch base with my memory. “Today’s memory prompt sparked a moment I haven’t thought about for years! Let’s jot it down so I don’t forget.” Touch base with my abode. “I’ve got an awesome list of ideas for the guest room, but I should probably clean the bathroom first. And do some laundry. And the dishes. And shovel the walk.”

What are you doing with your last week of January?

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