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Time for Facing Forward

I never heard her rue the past. She wasn't a "what if" or an "if only" kiind of woman. She faced each day, looking forward to whatever lay ahead on her path. She was an "I can do this" kind of woman.

Yesterday, I reviewed the last year. It was a whopper of a year and a sobering review. Today, I am reviewing myself. “They” say the third week of January is the saddest week of the year, because we find out how much money we spent during the holidays, and we also realize how much weight we gained. So, sad are we.

Frankly, there is no time to be sad about what happened in the past. Our time is too precious to spend it regretting what we cannot go back and change. In this morning’s review, I vowed to make the most of each moment. I am not who I was two years ago. I’ve changed. Aged. Learned. Succeeded. Failed. Grieved. This new year, chock full of the unknown, is sure to be a learning experience, too.

My mom knew adversity. She sent her fiancé off to WWII. She lost her father. She raised five children, worked hard running a farm, lost two of her sisters and her mother, and then became ill and faced countless health challenges. Yet, I never heard her rue the past. She wasn’t a “what if” or an “if only” kind of woman. She faced each day and looked ahead to whatever lay on her path. She was a “face forward” kind of woman.

So, what if there’s a bit more debt or a few more pounds? There’s no time to be sad. There’s only time for facing forward.

MEMORY PROMPT: Do you rue the past? Or face forward?

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