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Three Generations

In 1996, my mom required surgery. My third child had just turned one. She was Mom’s namesake. I sat her in the hospital bed with my mother and leaned over the back so Dad could take a three-generation photo.

Little did I know, a month later Mom would be gone from this earth.

As we gathered for the funeral, I asked Dad if I could develop the film, and he began to cry. He explained that the camera had broken and the film was ruined. Compared to losing Mom, it didn’t seem like a big deal, and since nothing could be done, I let it drop.

Except, I couldn’t. I imagined what the photo looked like. I so wanted a tangible thing I could hold in my hands, something I could show my daughter, a photo of the day she snuggled up against her grandma.

Last weekend made up for it. See this photo? That glowing new mama is my daughter, Mallory. She was the one-year-old that snuggled up to Mom in her hospital bed.

My husband and I spent last week in California with Mallory and Eric and their 3-year-old Claire, awaiting their baby’s arrival. Claire was so much fun. We had sleepovers at the hotel and played at the park. I quickly learned she wasn’t afraid to do ALL the things. Her constant reply was “I got this, Grandma!” Her confidence in her capability was amazing.

Her little sister finally arrived Friday. Please meet Charlotte Jane Abram. We call her Charlie. She is perfectly pink and snuggly and absolutely adored by her big sister.

I love this photo of our three generations of mothers and daughters, and you can bet that every time I look at it, I imagine my mom, just to my left, with her hand on Mallory’s shoulder, making it four.

Right now, my daughter is trailblazing those first few days of post-pregnancy hormones and sleeplessness and the uncertainty of newborn care, all while wrangling a 3-year-old who can do anything. Thank heavens she’s got Eric at her side!

I hope Mallory can feel those earlier generations showering her with love because I’m certain both my mom and her Grandma Longhurst are with her in spirit, whispering “You got this” in those moments when she needs it. I love this little family to the moon and back, and with the brightness of all the stars on the journey.

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