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The Power to Be Healed

We do not need to touch His hem to be healed. We only need the faith to pray, because His infinite power is the same today.

This weekend, back in 2013, I was in Jerusalem for work. My mom had been gone for 17 years; my dad, two, or they would’ve gotten a call from me saying, “We arrived safely, but I can’t see in one eye, and I’m scared.” I’ll be forever grateful my husband was traveling with me, because he held my hand for a 9-day sweep through the Holy Land, and five days in Paris and London, guiding me and reassuring me every step of the journey.

I’ve never prayed so much, feeling it was a little ironic that I was walking the dusty cobbled streets of the Old City 2,000+ years too late to pass by Christ and touch His hem. But I learned many things that year; many things about faith and trials and the times in life that do NOT go the way I planned them. Part One: Christ’s power to heal has only increased since the days He walked the earth. We just need enough faith to access it. Part Two: We will be healed, but it will be in infinitely different ways than what we expect.

My mother knew this. Keenly. And many of you do, too. For those who have eyes to see . . .

MEMORY PROMPT: Have you been healed differently than you expected? This one takes some contemplation. Jot down what you learn about yourself.

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