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The Power of the Do-Over

Updated: Sep 14, 2021

Review. Reconsider. Reflect. Repent. Repair. Regroup. Reroute. Redesign. Reinvent. Redeem. The Power of the Do-Over is Yours

It’s no secret that I’m a word nerd, partly blamed upon my mother. Before her health worsened, she worked in the local hospital’s Medical Records office as a medical transcriptionist. I loved visiting Mom at work. She typed so fast. The towering shelves with their color-coded Manila folders were fascinating to me. So, when I later spent a few years at home when my kids were little, I channeled my mother's example and took a medical transcription course, hoping the skill set was hereditary.

That hefty medical terminology dictionary fueled my word nerdiness with amazing words. Studying the root of words, and the prefixes or suffixes we assign to them to change their meaning, still fascinates me.

In this week of DO-OVERS, I pondered the two powerful letters that open up infinite do-overs. R and E. How powerful can two little letters be?

Just watch . . . Return. Review. Reconsider. Reflect. Repent. Repair. Regroup. Reroute. Redesign. Reinvent. Retry. Redo. Redeem.

Behold the power of the Do-Over. It’s yours for the wielding.

MEMORY PROMPT: Have you ever felt the power of a RE- word?

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