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Sunday Naps

He rested on the seventh day. Who's up for a nap?

My mother was a firm believer in the merits of a nap. As a child, naps felt like such a waste of perfectly good playtime. As a parent, getting my children to take naps was an exercise in repetitive futility. Now, I wish someone would order me to my room for a nap. Honestly, nowadays it happens quite spontaneously without any direction from anyone. I just sit down in the recliner and my eyelids slide closed.

I have always appreciated the fact that Heavenly Father rested on the seventh day. He values rest. We should, too! We’ve made it through a full week! Who’s up for a Sunday nap?

MEMORY PROMPT: Do you have napping memories? As a child? As a parent? As an adult? Jot one down before you nod off.

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