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Standing at the Gate

Me, standing in front of Buckingham Palace on a snowy January morning in 2013.

Because I posted something every single day last year, Facebook has been very busy so far this year, reminding me each morning what it was I posted last year. After thirteen days of this, I’m thinking I can safely assume this is going to be a continuing pattern for my foreseeable future. Being reminded of where we stood in the past is a good thing.

So, today, Facebook is reminding me that SIX years ago I was posting photos from the Holy Land and Paris and London, like this one. I’m standing at the gates of Buckingham Palace. Facebook couldn’t know that the woman in the photo was full of uncertainty and trepidation, or that my retina had detached and David was taking all the photos for me, or that the world was looking blurred and dark and scary to me, or that the trip would begin one of the most difficult years of my life. But it is still good to look back and see where I stood.

Today, Facebook is also reminding me that ONE year ago today I was talking about horizons. When the calendar flips us to January, we begin a fresh new year. We are standing at the gate. We don’t know what it will hold for us - but we DO know that a new year is a gift. Let’s all look to the horizon and then expand it to include every possibility our new year can hold.

You are at the gate of a new year. Where do you stand? And what will it look like next year, when Facebook reminds you to look back? If you want it to look different, now’s the time to make the change.

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