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Snatching Stories from Dreams

My best stories come from my dreams. The trick is to wake up and write them down before they evaporate. But that's the way with any dream. We've gotta wake up and make them happen.

We were driving home to Utah from sunny So-Cal amidst warnings we were headed for the winter’s worst storm. We had followed our dreams to Disneyland, and like the Dwarves on their way to the mine, we knew it was time to return. Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it was back to work we had to go, to a Matterhorn of laundry through an Elsa-sized snowstorm. To top it off, I'd begun having a recurring dream about my first series, whose characters are making a movie adaptation of a book called Saying Goodbye.

In my dream, I'm sitting at the back of a film set, taking copious notes for a book I'm writing about a new film crew who is making a movie adaptation of my book series! The screenplay on my lap says "The Memory Girl" at the top of every page. Try to follow this:

I was writing a book, that was about a movie, that was about a book, that was about a movie, that was about a book. It took most of the 10-hour drive to wrap my head around it.

My best stories come from dreams. The trick is to wake up and write them down before they evaporate, but that's the way with any dream. We've gotta wake up and make them happen.

MEMORY PROMPT: Do you have a recurring dream? What's it telling you?

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