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On the Ninth Day of Christmas

On the ninth day of Christmas, memories of loved ones helped deal with loss.

Whether you subscribe to the Christmas card tradition or not, here is ours for this year, because we want to wish you a merry Christmas. You may notice a W in the photos, and wonder what a bunch of Longhursts are doing with it.

The W stands for William, our grandson who is already celebrating Christmas with the heavenly side of our family. Representing him in family photos is one way we remember William.

The earth loses people at an alarming rate, and those statistics become shockingly personal when one of our loved ones is numbered among them.

So many people I love, have lost people they love this year. My heart goes out to them.

Loss is felt keenly at Christmas. We are reminded of the separation. We are reminded of the distance between heaven and us. We are reminded of the hollows in our hearts that nothing can fill.

Loss eventually touches us all, and because of its inevitability, we should all be aware of the raw feelings of others at this time of year.

The healing balm of the Christmas Spirit is made possible because of the birth of a Savior. We can find healing in the promised reunion with those loved ones if we’ll only let it. I wish that for each of my loved ones who've lost loved ones, and I wish it for you.

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