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On the First Day of Christmas

There are twelve days left until Christmas. Twelve days left to enjoy the Christmas spirit. It has been a little more difficult for me this year to find that feeling of joy that usually wells so easily in my heart. Maybe you are feeling that way, too. My plan of attack for reviving those feelings is to focus on a Christmas spirit memory for the next twelve days, and see if it helps. Here we go . . .

On the first day of Christmas, a Christmas memory gave to me, a baritone in a Christmas choir concert.

Most of you know that for the last ten years, my spouse has been a baritone in the Tabernacle Choir, and each Christmas the choir performs not a single concert, but three concerts -- a veritable smorgasbord of Christmas spirit proffered for the masses.

I can only speak for the one baritone I know, but behind the scenes, the month of December can be a bit hectic for all those involved. So many trips to Salt Lake. So many rehearsals. So many lyrics to memorize, notes to remember, and choreography to learn. The whole production is a grand undertaking, yet every year, they pull it off seamlessly for people like me, who are yearning to feel that spark of joy at celebrating the birth of our Savior.

I see the dedication and determination in the one baritone I know, and I'm grateful to him, because, with twelve days to go, I found it. I sat in a darkened auditorium and let the talents of all those on stage speak to my heart. I found the spirit of Christmas waiting there.

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