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Mothers and Words

I’ve just spent the last three days at a writing conference I’ve never attended before. I was a newbie. A first-timer.

Because I am an admitted introvert, facing large groups of people is nerve-wracking, especially alone. I had a constant pep talk looping in my head as I walked the halls and searched for seats at meals. You can do this. You can do this. You can do this. The words weren’t my own. They were my mother’s.

Tomorrow will be 23 years since I heard her voice here on earth.

I didn’t magically make a million friends, or strike up conversations with every person seated next to me, but I faced my fear, successfully managed to move from room to room, make small pleasantries, and do what I set out to do: Learn from masters of their craft.

I took pages and pages of notes. I learned until my brain was slogged and pushing against my cranium. And still, there was room for my mother's encouraging words.

On this Mother’s Day, I hope my children can hear my words when they are facing something challenging. I hope they can hear my words reminding them of their worth, and their ability, and their strength, and my faith in them. And my eternal love for them.

As I wrote those last words, I had the strongest impression of my mother saying to me, “You all have a Heavenly Father and a Heavenly Mother who are hoping those very same things for each and every one of you,” and instinctively I felt it to be true.

I hope you have a Mom Voice ringing words of encouragement and love through your thoughts, but most importantly, I hope you can hear the reassuring words of your Heavenly Parents who are always right beside you when you’re facing the hard parts of life.

We are never really alone. We just need to listen for the words.

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