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May 13 and Me

Oh, May 13, what a complicated relationship we have.

On one hand, you are the day my sister called to tell me our mother had passed away. It was 23 years ago, and a Monday, just like today. Having my mother die the day after Mother’s Day, when I couldn’t travel to see her and had said “Happy Mother’s Day” in a casual phone conversation, was not optimal. Now, May 13, you and I spend the anniversary together.

On the other hand, it was also May 13 when my very first book went LIVE on Amazon, two years ago. Notification of it hit my In Box as we drove to the airport to catch a flight to Oahu for our very first visit to Hawaii. I sent out an announcement before we boarded the plane, and that’s when I realized that the book my mother would never read was arriving on the anniversary of the day she departed. Now, May 13, you and I spend this anniversary together, too.

My sister sent me a text this morning that said “I still hate it when the 13th falls on the day after Mother’s Day. Another little cross to bear!! Let’s make MOM happy and have a GREAT day remembering all her awesomeness.” She’s right.

Mom would point out that on this May 13, the sky is blue, the sun is shining, and we have a lot to be grateful for. She’s right, too.

So, today, May 13 and I will indulge in Mom’s favorite chocolate, listen to her favorite music, read the words I wrote about her, and take a stroll down memory lane, revisiting ALL of my mother’s awesomeness.

Yes, it’s complicated, but it’s our day, and we’re gonna do it up right.

In honor of May 13, I’ve set all the pricing as low as Amazon will allow, in case you want to read some words that share the anniversary with us. Amazon was even nice enough to put the 4-book set of The Making of Saying Goodbye on a bigger sale. You can find them all HERE.

Is there a day that shares a complicated anniversary with you?

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