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Make it a Great Day

Make it a great day! Handlettered quote in frame of watercolor flowers.

My mom was an incredibly optimistic woman, considering how long she dealt with ill health. Every morning of my school career, as I stood at the window watching the school bus headlights making their way down East Milo Road in the early darkness, she’d say, “Make it a great day, Honey!” She sent me into the world with a reminder that I controlled my reactions to the day, and I had the power to make it great if I tried.

I carried her thoughts into our home and family, sending our children out the door with Mom's message. At the beginning of each school year, I sent them with locker magnets stating the same reminder. I didn’t know if it ever sunk in until my youngest daughter made her own magnet one year (hurray!) and then my eldest daughter gave me this hand-lettered design for Mother’s Day. It is placed where I see it every morning as I prepare for the day. Mom would be tickled pink to know I’m still headed out the door with her words in mind.

So, for Day 2 I’m pinning these words to the Company Towels: Make it a Great Day!

Go forth, and MAKE it GREAT!

Memory Prompt: What words begin your day and send you on your way? Are they words from long ago?

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