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Like the Wise Men . . . A Little Late

What did the last wise man say after his friends had presented their gifts?

But wait! There’s myrrh!

I feel like a wise man this week.

Wise? Not a chance.

Been traveling by camel? I could make comparisons, but nobody would want to hear them.

Late to deliver gifts? Yes. Exactly that.

We just delivered our last Christmas gifts to our kids and grandkids today.

December 31st.

The gifts were wrapped. Ready to give to each dear one. But a ghastly virus intervened and canceled our celebrations.

So, today we made the journey and delivered the last gifts.

I realize the Wise Men had a very long journey, and they were following a star, which would have been beyond difficult, but even with all those reasonable excuses, I wonder if they felt a little embarrassed when they finally arrived. I can imagine them saying, “Better late than never!” and “Last, but not least!” and “Boy, you really have to keep your eyes focused on that star to stay on track.”

I spent some time in the last year studying the Old Testament, and as the year drew to a close, I wanted something on my Christmas tree that reminded me.

Reminded me of Him.

I sought out the names used to foretell of Him in the Old Testament and typed them onto paper and folded that paper into a star to hang on my tree. As I folded each star point, I pondered the names and realized they are really the roles He accepted for us, He took on for us, He fulfilled for us.

Tomorrow begins a new year, and with it, the study of the New Testament. I spend so much time urging students to seek Him when they are in the Holy Land, that the opportunity of studying His New Testament roles for a whole year makes me infinitely happy. We get to see His personality in the New Testament. We see Him teach. Interact. Heal. Befriend. Save. Atone.

With the new year, I will also continue to seek Him and the roles He plays in my own life. They are many. Savior. Friend. Listener. Forgiver. Comforter. Teacher.

Like the Wise Men, I will keep my eyes on the Light of the World. It will be a good place for me to focus, even if the journey is long and I get there a little bit late.

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