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Lessons from a Jazzy Driver

Expand your horizons, honey. With a little technology you can travel the world or make it back home. Don't let the youngsters have all the fun.

This week has been about journeys; across the world and through this life. My mom was pretty much homebound for the last ten years of her life, yet every time we’d talk, she shared new places she’d learned about from books or television. She expanded her horizons as best as she could from her recliner.

When my mother-in-law found it necessary to move into a care center, there was a woman in the hallway who stopped to welcome us. My mother-in-law wasn’t happy. She wanted to be home. The woman pulled an iPad from her Jazzy basket and said, “If you have photos of your home, you can go back anytime, but instead of returning to an empty house, revisit the happy times.” I was impressed. We struck up a conversation, and I learned she visited a new place on the planet every single day. She’d “seen” the world via the internet. She and my mom would’ve been thick as thieves.

She said, “Expand your horizons, Honey. With a little technology, you can travel the world, or make it back home. Don’t let the youngsters have all the fun.” My mother-in-law ended up loving her. My mother would’ve, too.

MEMORY PROMPT: Have you returned to a place with the help of a photo?

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