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Updated: Sep 14, 2021

Brick by brick our decisions build bridges to understanding or walls of isolation. Who's to say they're permanent? If we've built a wall, we can disassemble it and begin building something grand.

On a recent trip to California, we visited LEGO Land. I could compare it to Disneyland, but they’re not on the same scale. LOL. Pun intended. However, their mini-land, with entire townscapes, was impressive.

I’ve always loved miniature stuff. My mom knew this, providing crafts, like the tiny frontier store we assembled together. We even glued tiny labels to tiny cans of peas. She worked tirelessly to spark my imagination. Enter LEGOs.

My husband and I built with our kids, too, so it was fun to visit LEGO Land with our oldest son and his two sons and see their eyes widen at the endless possibilities.

My husband finished the set he lugged home from the trip for himself - the U.S. Capitol - and then we worked on the Disney Castle that he secretly lugged home for my birthday. It was amazing to see how the tiny bricks, put together just right, could build structures so grand. It was a visual reminder of the bricks that build our lives.

There are many levels that must be built first, in order to support what's coming next. Sometimes we stray from the floor plan. When we do, we have to go back a few pages in the instruction manual and pull a few bricks apart to get back on track.

Brick by brick, our decisions build bridges to understanding or walls of isolation. Who’s to say their permanent? If we’ve built a wall, we can disassemble and begin building something grand.

MEMORY PROMPT: LEGO memories? Or perhaps something more - a time when a wall had to come down? Jot it now. #MomsCompanyTowels #brickbybrick #lineuponline #preceptuponprecept

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