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Knocked on Our Keisters

Updated: Sep 15, 2021

Step one: Get up from whatever it was that knocked you down.

It’s National Get Up Day! It’s like the people who make up these days somehow know I’ve dubbed it DO-OVER week! How fitting!

A recurring element in my last series was a conversation between two characters that always ended up happening on a path. In the first book, Riley told Joss the first step was getting up from whatever had knocked her down. Roles switch in the later books as they determine the other steps, but if I mention them here, it becomes a spoiler post, and we wouldn’t want that, now would we?

Riley’s advice was specific to their story, but isn’t it really universal? We’re all making our way along our path in this life, and sometimes we get knocked on our keisters.

My mom’s biggest fear was falling. Her legs would “go out from under me” as she put it. But for all the times life knocked her down, she got back up. As I write this, I realize the depths of my mother’s influence on my writing. It seems she affected every part of my life; a fact I’m eternally grateful for.

MEMORY PROMPT: Do you remember a time when you've had to pick yourself up and get on with life? Write it down.

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