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In the Background

In line at Disneyland

See that cute boy smiling into the camera? That’s my grandson, Sawyer. He’s our oldest grandchild, and he celebrated his 6th birthday today. This photo captures his personality so well, that it has served as my cell phone background since it was taken in line at Disneyland last fall. Every time I awaken my screen, I see him and it makes me happy. Sawyer is the perfect combination of mischief and tender-heartedness. He’s smart and observant. He is becoming the kind of big brother that his daddy is. He has me wrapped around his little finger, and he knows that my iPad is always fully charged, just for him.

There are also several other people I love in this photo, but the guy in the back...the photo a complete stranger. Yet, I’ve looked at his face for so many months, that he’s weirdly familiar now. Have you ever wondered if you’ve made an appearance in someone else’s vacation photos? If any of you know him, please tell him I say welcome to the family. To everyone I DO know in the photo, I love you. Thank you for making memories with me. Happy birthday, Sawyer! Grandma loves you to infinity and beyond!!

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