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Heavenly Homecomings

Updated: Aug 23, 2021

For me, grief is only bearable when I concentrate on the Heavenly Homecoming occurring on the other side of my farewell.

"For me, grief is only bearable when I concentrate on the Heavenly Homecoming occurring on the other side of my Farewell."

You won’t find those words in the final version of The Memory Girl, even though that's where they originated. I wrote those words several years ago, but when I was editing the manuscript for publication I removed them. I had just lost a grandson and a mother-in-law and the wounds on my soul were too new, too raw. Now that time has passed, it is comforting to think of those loved ones in Heaven and our grand reunion.

This mortal journey we’re on is fraught with thorny places that prickle as we pass. How grateful I am for the knowledge that heavenly reunions await those we send ahead on the journey.

MEMORY PROMPT: Does a heavenly reunion await you?

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