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Forecasts and Fortunes

Forecasts and fortunes mostly miss the mark. Christ never misses. He know you. He knows me. He is our FIRM FOUNDATION.

On our way back from southern California, we made an unplanned stop to spend the night in St. George at the advice of the weather forecasters. It was wise not to drive on those wintry roads in the dark. But it’s a roll of the dice most of the time, isn’t it? Sometimes forecasters and their generic projections miss the mark.

We had Chinese takeout for dinner while we were in California, and this was the fortune I pulled out of my cookie: A dream of yours will soon become a reality. How did the fortune cookie writers know I’d been obsessing about dreams all week? Most of the time, their generic projections miss the mark.

As we left St. George on that snowy Sunday morning, we listened to Music and the Spoken Word, which was a treat for me, because my husband is a baritone in the choir, and he was listening with me, when usually I’m scanning the TV screen, looking for him. They sang one of my favorite hymns, “How Firm a Foundation,” and I thought about that foundation as we drove.

Forecasts and fortunes mostly miss the mark, but Christ never misses. He knows you. He knows me. He is our firm foundation.

MEMORY PROMPT: Have there been times when forecasts and fortunes missed the mark for you? Was there a better way to keep your eye on the future?

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