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Dreaming of Tigger Tails

Images of Tigger Tails and other treats from Disneyland

The last time we visited the candy counter at Pooh Corner it was to celebrate Winnie-the-Pooh Day. The thing about Tigger Tails is this: Disney changed the recipe. The new version sparkles, covered with orange-colored coarse sugar. It’s prettier, but not yummier. The old version was covered in orange-FLAVORED chocolate. My daughter decided the orange chocolate held the magic. Isn’t that the truth? Magical properties reside in chocolate. Now the very pretty Tigger Tails are simply marshmallow, covered with caramel, covered with sugar. We deemed it “diabetes on a stick”. This is our home version of the magic: take a marshmallow (they use three so it looks like Tigger’s Tail) and skewer it on a lollipop stick. Dip it in melted caramel and let it cool completely. Then dip it in orange-flavored chocolate (our candy supply store carries the “melt” discs). When the chocolate is set, drizzle a few real chocolate “tigger-stripes” and the magic will reappear! After you eat one, you'll be bouncing around like Tigger on a sugar high.

My tummy is rumbly. How about yours?

MEMORY PROMPT: What childhood treat do you dream about?

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