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Dodging the Camera


If earthbound, today would be my mother’s 92nd birthday, although, she would probably claim it’s her 39th birthday. She was notoriously known to do that.

She was also notorious for turning attention away from herself. Instead of celebrating her birthday, she would’ve thrown a Super Bowl Party, or focused on Punksatawney Phil’s prediction of an early spring, which I’m admittedly focusing on, myself. I need spring. Soon.

My 2018 was focused on writing about my mother, so you can imagine I did a good deal of searching for photographs of her, and do you know what I found? My mama was also a notorious camera dodger. She rarely showed up in photos. Why didn’t I notice that when I had the chance to rectify it?

Don’t be a camera dodger. Leave a record of yourself. I’m not suggesting an hourly selfie log, but the occasional photograph your posterity could use to highlight your life would be a nice thing to leave behind.

For all her notoriety, my mom was the best. I miss her. I hope she’s having a heavenly party today, and if there are cameras in heaven, I hope she’s posing for a photo or two.

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