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Day 99

Updated: Apr 18, 2018

In the course of my life I have often had to eat my words, and I must confess that I have always found it a wholesome diet." Winston Churchill

Day 99: This is National Library Week, which makes me feel all the words! I’m a word nerd, partly to blame on my mother’s early training, and partly to blame on myself for embracing the nerdiness so thoroughly as I grew. We have a plethora of celebrations today, because it is also “Cherish an Antique” Day and Winston Churchill’s birthday.

I can almost here him say “nigh unto the same thing!” in his cheeky (or should I say jowel-y?) way.

One of the cherished antiques we inherited from my husband’s parents is a 1950s set of encyclopedias; volume after volume filled with WORDS. They give me a warm feeling in my chest. The world has evolved since the 50s. Countries have changed their names and their borders. Countless events have transpired. Languages have changed, as have the meanings of many words. Even though these volumes are outdated, they stand as a symbol of the best and newest knowledge of their time.

Most kids today won’t know what it means to look something up in an encyclopedia. Today, we ask SIRI. Today we ask Alexa. Today we Google. In honor of Sir Winston Churchill, I shall leave you with his quote:

“In the course is my life I have often had to eat my words, and I confess that I have always found it a wholesome diet.”
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