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Day 94

Day 94: My daughter Mallory Jo Abram turns 23 years old today. We celebrated her first birthday on a trip home to Idaho to see my mother in the hospital - which turned out to be the last time I saw my mom.

My mother’s name was NaDine. Her family usually called her Deanie. When I had a baby girl she made me promise never to name anyone NaDine, because “it’s really an awful name. No one knows how to pronounce it. Not even your father.” She said it with a twinkle in her eye, but she meant it. So, we named our baby Mallory, my mom’s maiden name, and I think she was secretly tickled about it.

The name Mallory fits her perfectly. I have hundreds of photos of her, but I really love this one, because the camera captured a glimpse of her soul. Mallory is kind. She is thoughtful. She is artistic and creative. She is smart. She is a hard worker. She is musical. She is funny. She is a devoted wife, a nurturing mother, and a wonderful daughter. My mother would be so very impressed with her talented namesake. Happy birthday, Mallory Jo! I love you to the moon and back! #MomsCompanyTowels #happybirthday #namesake

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