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Day 92

Updated: Apr 18, 2018

Never underestimate the power of the after-school snack.

Day 92: First, I feel compelled to acknowledge the fact that this is National Bat Appreciation Week. I am NOT, I repeat NOT celebrating bats. My mother would support me in this ban, because she was present when my fear of bats was forever cemented in my psyche. The entire painful story is here, if you’d like proof.

Happily, it is also National PB&J Day. I have always liked peanut butter. So much so, that when I was in grade school, if my mom needed to leave before I got home from school, she didn’t leave a note on the fridge telling me where she was. She left the note on the jar of peanut butter. In the cabinet. Because she knew I would invariably go to the cabinet and pull out the peanut butter and make a PB&J after school. I remember being aware enough to roll my eyes when I saw the notes, but I never bothered to get offended, because her inference was correct. There would be peanut butter consumed after school.

It didn’t stop there, however. I still love peanut butter. It’s on my comfort food list. So much so, that when I was writing, I gave one of my characters a love of peanut butter. She loves swiping a big dollop of peanut butter from the jar with a piece of a chocolate bar. Did you know that the little squares of chocolate created by the scoring lines are called pips? She does. She knows that. And she dips each pip into peanut butter before eating it. Unlike murder or kidnapping, I had to try it out before I could write it. You know you would, too.

Peanut butter and jam? Delicious. Peanut butter and chocolate? Decadent. If you want to try it yourself, go ahead. Call it book research. I promise not to leave any snarky notes on the jar. #MomsCompanyTowels #NationalPB&JDay #ChocolateAndPeanutButterLover #IshouldworkforReeses #leaveanoteonthejar

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