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Day 90

Updated: Apr 18, 2018

General Conference is my Existential GPS for the days when my life veers off the straight and narrow path and head-on into a six-lane freeway of rush-hour turmoil. It re-routes me to safety. It guides me back on track.

Day 90: This Smatterday is also General Conference for all those inclined, and around our house, we’re inclined. My dearest spouse is a baritone in the MoTab, so it’s fun for our family to try to catch a glimpse of him by playing “Where’s David?” And I just won! Okay - I tied with Meg, but we saw him twice in the very first song.

I love conference. It fills the cracks in my soul and shores up my worries with hope. It’s my existential GPS that guides me back on track when life veers off the straight and narrow path and head-on into a six-lane freeway of rush-hour turmoil.

I have wonderful memories of conference because of my parents. My mother adored the Tabernacle Choir. She would have been so incredibly tickled to watch for David in the choir if she’d had the chance. I think she must be watching from heaven, and if she is, she just saw David, too. I have to go now. it’s time to pay attention. Happy Conference Smatterday! #MomsCompanyTowels #LDSconference #MoTab #ExistentialGPS

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