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Day 89

Updated: Apr 18, 2018

Wash Your Hands, Say Your Prayers, Jesus and Germs are Everywhere!

Day 89: I spent the morning of Good Friday with two of my darling grandkids, and had to laugh when Landon and I went into the bathroom to wash his hands. On the wall above the towels was the cutest quote: “Wash Your Hands and Say Your Prayers because Jesus and germs are everywhere.”

You may remember that the entire reason I’m posting these “Company Towel” thoughts is because my mother pinned stuff she wanted us to remember to the bathroom towels - right where we would see them repeatedly. I’d say Landon’s mom is well on her way to some world-class bathroom instruction. #MomsCompanyTowels #JesusIsEverywhere #BecauseOfHim

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