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Day 88

Updated: Apr 18, 2018

Nineteen hundred and eighty something years ago tonight Christ's actions changed our lives. How will we show our thanks?

Day 88: Hey! It’s Day 88! Did you know that 88 is a strobogrammatic number? That means it reads the same way upside down. And if you flip those eights on their side, you have a double infinity sign.

The thought of infinity, or eternity, is something we think about on this Thursday of Holy Week. Because the Jews measured a day from sundown to sundown, most of what we know about this day actually began after sundown and went through the night and into the next day - the Last Supper, Christ washing the feet of his apostles, the introduction of the sacrament, His intercessory prayer, His suffering in Gethsemane, His arrest and trial, His crucifixion, His death, and His burial.

Here we are, 2018 years later, and this is what will be on my mind as the sun sets tonight. Why? After so many years? Because Christ’s actions 2018 years ago tonight provided each and every one of us the gift of eternity.

Life may be downright hard, but we win in the end. It’s devastating to lose our loved ones, but we’ll be with them again. We’ll most certainly make a mess of life the majority of the time, but we can repent and start again . . . all because of what He did 2018 years ago tonight. Watch the sunset a little differently tonight. Because of Him. #MomsCompanyTowels #BECAUSEofHIM

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