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Day 86

Updated: Apr 18, 2018

We can't always be footloose or fancy free but we can always make time for a picnic. Mom

Day 86: Mother Nature has been kinder today! It’s only 36 degrees outside, but the sun is shining brightly! Yesterday I admitted to having Spring Fever. My mother called it Cabin Fever, because springtime made her want to get out of the house and go to her mother’s cabin in Island Park, or go on a picnic, or go for a drive—key words: get out and go.

Way before my mom was homebound due to health, she was married to a dairy farmer. Milking cows causes you to be homebound due to two-a-day milkings. We seldom went farther than we could return for the evening milking, essentially grounding us within a 100-mile radius. If they planned to go farther, or for longer, it became a huge undertaking of careful logistical preparation. I call this phenomenon the Bovine Shackles. Outings were necessarily limited to short day trips and the rare picnic at the edge of the shackle radius.

Most of us aren’t dairy farmers, but we still have responsibilities that shackle us to daily routines.

“We can’t always be footloose or fancy-free,” Mom would say, “but we can always make time for a picnic.” She was right.

From now on, when Cabin Fever hits, I am prescribing a big dose of get-out-and-go, even if it’s leaving the office building to eat your lunch in the sunshine, which I may be doing any minute now. #MomsCompanyTowels #CabinFever #SpringFever #BovineShackles #MakeTimeForPicnics

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