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Day 85

Updated: Apr 18, 2018

Spring Fever. It's going around.

Day 85: There was snow on our daffodils this morning. It felt like Winter was saying to Spring, “Uh uh uh, not so fast . . .”

It was then that I felt it. That tickle in my throat. (Spring allergies.) That overpowering urge to throw open all the windows in the house. (Spring cleaning.) The temptation to call in sick with a bad case of uninterested (Spring Fever) and jump in the car and drive southward until I could feel sunshine on my face (Spring Break.) But when I had to scrape ice off my car windows, I felt like Winter was saying “Uh uh uh, not so fast.” Whatever, Winter. The Daffodils say otherwise, and I feel the fever running through my veins! #MomsCompanyTowels #SpringFeverIsRunningHigh #WinterIsOnItsWayOut

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