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Day 82

Updated: Apr 18, 2018

Finger Food Friday. Gather together. Cook together. Eat together. Laugh together. Remember together.

Day 82: Happy Chip and Dip Day. Yes, you read that right. They have a day. In my TowelWorld, it is Foodsday, and because the two are colliding on the same day, it could only mean Finger Food Friday.

In my second book, the two main characters go home to visit family on Finger Food Friday. It’s a tradition. Everybody comes home. Everybody cooks together. They sit down together and eat with their hands. They laugh. They connect. They make memories in the house where they grew up - the house they can’t give up, even though their parents are now with the Heavenly side of the family.

I wrote the family this way because my mother loved nothing more than when everyone came home to eat. I’ve already divulged the fact that she was a food pusher. She valued the time she had with family, and now, when my siblings get together, we value that time, too. And it usually centers around food. So, it’s not surprising that I would create the same tradition for this fictitious family.

It’s a pretty easy tradition to create. The food has to be finger food - chips and dip, fruit kebabs, veggies and dip, cream puffs, crackers and cheese, etc. Everybody helps assemble, and then everybody sits at a table and eats together! Many of my best memories and my best discussions occurred at the dinner table.

The easiest recipe in the world (probably why mom put me in charge) was French Onion Dip. One packet of Lipton Onion Soup, 16 ounces of sour cream, and a big bag of Ruffles. Foolproof. There are better recipes, but because mom taught me this recipe, it’s the one I like.

It’s still Shakespeare Week - and in Romeo and Juliet he wrote “Tis an ill cook that cannot lick his own fingers.” It was a test of a good cook - if he didn’t lick his fingers, he had no confidence in his food. We wouldn’t want to fail that test! Right? #MomsCompanyTowels #FingerFoodFriday #FrenchOnionDip #ShakespeareWeek

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