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Day 79

Updated: Apr 18, 2018

Let HOPE Light Your WAY

Day 79: It’s the first day of spring! And National Proposal Day! Do more anxious suitors propose today than any other? Nope. Actually, the guy who declared it “Proposal Day” said it was to nudge those who may be dragging their feet. I’m thinking it lands on the first day of Spring because hope blossoms in Spring along with the flowers, and if someone is asking someone else to make a life-altering decision, it takes an extra measure of hope to spit out the question.

My mom was a romantic. I remember asking her if it was scary, getting engaged during a war—knowing Dad proposed because he was being drafted into WWII and couldn’t leave her without some sort of promise—the only way to guarantee his intentions. Mom said it was just life. Everyone else was in the same position—uncertain what the future would hold. Mom worked in her parents’ store, and she cut her hand at work the day before Dad proposed. Her mother held an engagement tea in her honor. I’ve seen the newspaper clipping announcement. It seemed glamorous as a young girl, but now that I can imagine the anxiety and fear of the time, it doesn’t seem so glamorous. But it does seem a hopeful choice to make plans for the future in the face of uncertainty. Sure, they got married at a courthouse by a cross-eyed judge. There were no flowers. There was no wedding gown. There wasn’t a grand reception. But, they linked arms and faced what would come. They had hope. And it ended up being the beginning of a grand life together.

We’ve had a proposal in our family recently and it is full steam ahead with wedding planning at our house. My daughter and her fiancé are making plans for their future. They’re full of hope, and it’s a beautiful thing.

If you’re knocking around the idea of proposing, today is your day! Your nudge in the right direction. If you just need a good dose of hope? Congratulations! Today is your day, too! Spring is here and the future looks bright! Let hope light your way. It’s still Shakespeare Week, so he’ll bring this to a close: “True hope is swift, and flies with swallow’s wings.” #MomsCompanyTowels #spring #proposalday #heresyournudge #shakespeareweek #hope

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