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Day 78

Updated: Apr 18, 2018

Shakespeare Joke. Why did Shakespeare only ever write with ink? Because he couldn't decide which pencil to use . . . 2B or not 2B? That was his question.

Day 78: It’s World Folktales and Fables Week and also Shakespeare Week in many schools around the world. Shakespeare will be 654 years old this year, although his birthday isn’t until mid-April, when we’ll celebrate Talk Like Shakespeare Day.

Also, today has a special bonus! It is National Let’s Laugh Day. I’m always in the need of a good laugh on a Monday, so I’ll tell you a Shakespeare joke. I have to be careful here, because Shakespeare was a bawdy crowd-pleaser of a playwright, and his plays are full of innuendo and inappropriateness that would’ve gotten big laughs in the sixteenth century (and in most 21st century high school English Lit classes) but would never have been pinned to Mom’s company towels. Here’s one that should be clean enough:

Why did Shakespeare only ever write with ink?

Because he couldn’t decide which pencil to use . . . 2B or not 2B?

That was his question.

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