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Day 67

Day 67: It’s a big day! International Women’s Day AND National Proofreader’s Day! And I’m both! I feel so celebrated! Okay, enough with the exclamation points.

Women’s Day started in 1909 in New York, and spread from nation to nation until 1975, when it was officially adopted by the UN.

National Proofreader’s Day was created by corporate trainer Judy Beaver. March 8 is her mother’s birthday, and was chosen to honor her and her love of correcting people.

I don’t know Judy or her mother, but I like a person who honors her mother, and I like a mom who isn’t afraid to set things right.

If you’re a woman, take a second to think about what that means to you. And if you’re a proofreader (or just a know-it-all) hold your red pencil high! As long as the world makes mistakes, it will need people who care to call them to attention. You know what they say—Every time you make a typo, the errorists win. #MomsCompanyTowels #internationalwomensday #nationalproofreadersday #everytimeyoumakeatypotheerroristswin #redpencilsunite #grammarweek

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