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Day 61

Day 61: Happy World Book Day! And happy Dr. Seuss Day! The whole world is celebrating books today. Yesterday, I asked if anyone’s mom planted subliminal messages around the house. The response was close to crickets. But then I realized that whenever I ask a question like that, the Facebook autobots go about hiding the post because they suspect it is click bait, which it wasn’t - it was merely me wondering if my mother was the only tricky one in the bunch.

Alas, today I would love to find out what your favorite childhood book was/is. But this might upset the autobots. So, take a moment to think about reading your favorite childhood book today, and then tell your co-worker, or your friend, or your kids, or the lady in line at the grocery store, because reading is so much more important than ducking click bait.

Let us raise a glass of juice to the venerable Dr. Seuss, for pushing imagination to high and lofty use. “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” #MomsCompanyTowels #DrSeuss #worldbookday #raiseaglassofjuicetothevenerabledrseuss

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