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Day 60

Day 60: Reaching Day 60 feels like a reason to celebrate! For 60 days I’ve been going on about the stuff my mother pinned to her guest towels in the bathroom, although, to be honest, the stuff was everywhere. Her etiquette book was regularly on display on the kitchen table in her clear lucite recipe book holder - open to a page covering an etiquette infraction she’d undoubtedly seen one of us kids commit. What else are you gonna read while you’re eating your Cheerios? She was sneaky.

What about you? Did your mother plant any repetitious seeds of wisdom in your home? Something that you glanced at so many times you can still recite it by heart? Please tell me I’m not the only one with a quirky and slightly underhanded mother. #MomsCompanyTowels #Didthishappentoyou #repetitionisthekey #momtricks

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