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Day 51

Day 51: How do you say favorite? Yesterday, I posted my favorite George Washington quote, which began a ponderous spell about the word FAVORITE.

My mama taught us to pronounce it FAVE-writ. I call this the Milo pronunciation. As I aged, I inadvertently added a syllable, making it FAYE-vrr-it. I don’t know if that’s a Utah pronunciation, or just my own phonetic mutation. I have a neighbor who grew up in Utah, and she pronounces it FAYE-VORE-ITE. My Canadian and UK friends sneak a U in there, making it FAVOURITE, but that’s even more confusing, because they do not pronounce the U. It’s just there.

Merriam-Webster’s official pronunciation of the word is ˈfāv(ə)rət. What, now? That didn’t settle anything. It added another choice. Do you see what happens when a word nerd spends too much time thinking about one word?

No matter how you say it, you’re one of my favorites, because it means “preferred before all others of the same kind.” #MomsCompanyTowels #favorite #wordnerd #englishchasesotherlanguagesdownalleywaystobeatthemunconsciousandrifletheirpocketsfornewcocabulary #atleastididntbringupmouun

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