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Day 50

Day 50: Happy Presidents Day! It’s a Monday that’s still the weekend! I LOVE those kind of Mondays! George Washington would be turning 283 years old this coming February 22 if he hadn’t kicked the wooden bucket - or was that wooden teeth? It was teeth. My bad. I know this because my mom was very patriotic. We celebrated Presidents Day with cherry pie and a review of the W encyclopedia. Of the many notable facts listed for Washington, was the impressive character trait that he knew when it was time to step down and let someone else take the reins. He made the original American executive decision. My mom thought that deserved a Monday off and some cherry pie. I especially appreciated that he looked up to his mom. I know how he felt. #MomsCompanyTowels #presidentsday #georgewashington #executivedecisions #Oweitalltomom

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