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Day 46

Updated: Feb 16, 2018

Day 46: It’s THANKSDAY in TowelWorld, and the month of LOVE, so, today I am thankful for the opportunity to show some love for myself.

I took a vacation day today; not for a family vacation, or a colonoscopy, or a case of the flu. I’m sitting in a hotel ballroom listening to experts talk about writing at a symposium I’m probably not qualified to attend, but nobody has figured that out and asked me to leave. I’m glad I took a “me” day. I’m calling it professional development. Sure, it’s not directly related to my day job, but it is directly related to what I LOVE to do, and I need all the development I can absorb.

My mom used to make a joke about my dad (a farmer) being outstanding in his field - you know - because he was routinely out standing in his field. She thought it was a funny farmer pun. (Her humor may have inspired a quirky family game in The Mystery Girl called the Pun Run.)

Outstanding. With one tap of the space bar, the word changes. Instead of a person who is regarded as being excellent at what they do in their field, it now describes a person standing around in a field. We need to focus on what we wedge into that space. We need to empty it of whatever it is that separates us from out standing to outstanding. Play hookie. Give yourself a day. Do something for yourself that closes the space.

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