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Day 45

Day 45: Whatever you may call it - Valentine’s Day, Galentine’s Day, (a celebration with your gal friends) Palentine’s Day (a celebration with your pals, which was incredibly hard to type because autocorrect REALLY wanted to change it to Palestine) or Single Awareness Day (a celebration devoid of coupleness in all its pesky forms) I hope you have a wonderful day of it! Because it all celebrates LOVE, and each and every one of you deserve to feel loved!!!

A few of you very kindly pointed out that words like cylindrical and cuboid were a bit confusing, so if you’ve already downloaded my Valentine to you, do it again! I added lots of photos so that my cryptic explanations will make more sense.

Go ahead, re-download your Valentine, chop everything into heart shapes, write silly messages on the mirror, and shower your loved ones with your creations. Oh, and one more thing - you deserve to feel loved, too, so give yourself a wink while you’re writing on that mirror, cause you’re lookin’ good!

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