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Day 42

Day 42: This week I mentioned that rock bottom and firm foundation sound suspiciously similar.

Stumbling blocks, signposts, and springboards do, too, don’t you think? It all depends on our perspective as we come to the obstacle on our path. Will we let it trip us up? Or will we use it to catapult us forward?

If something stands in our path, we need to pause, assess, really stare it down to get a better look. Is it really so ominous? Study it from a new perspective. A new point of view. Maybe it’s passable. Maybe we can step around it, or nudge it to the side.

Sometimes those barriers on our paths, the ones that initially look like stumbling blocks, are really signposts pointing us in a better direction. Sometimes they are springboards, waiting to propel us toward something better.

Last week, a speaker reminded me of Neal A. Maxwell’s book “All These Things Shall Give Thee Experience” in which he categorized tribulations into three types: The trials we create ourselves because of the decisions we make; the trials that occur simply because we are living in human bodies on a planet with other humans (illness, death, car accidents, the results of others’ actions); and the third, the trials Heavenly Father specifically creates for us to help us become what we need to be in order to withstand whatever the future holds for us.

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