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Day 41

Day 41: it’s been a typical Smatterday at our house today. We watched the opening ceremonies of the Olympics last night. My mom loved the Olympics. You could count on them being broadcast on one of the three channels our rooftop antenna picked out of the atmosphere. She loved the competition. The victory. The examples of hard work and dedication. You can bet those athletes have heard more than their fair share of NO.

She taught me to really look at a person - not as an icon or a celebrity or an athlete - but as a person. She taught me to imagine what their life might be like, and the challenges they may face. She was quick to point out that winning a gold medal didn’t mean that everything else in their life was perfectly perfect, too.

As I got older, I realized how right she was. People are seldom what they seem. They’re always more. So much more. This week, as we watch the winners climb the medal stand, take a moment to imagine how many NOs it took to get them there. #MomsCompanyTowels #morethantheyseem #peoplerock #goldmedalinlife

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