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Day 40

Day 40: Happy Foodsday and some food for thought! So far in this week of NO, we’ve touched on getting a NO in answer to prayer, the NO that echoes as we hit rock bottom that urges us to rebuild, the NOs we need to ignore from the Judge-y Judgersons to make our own decisions, and the NOs from talents we don’t possess. So, what about the times we get a NO, and we know it’s not the right answer? How do we separate the times we need to choke down a NO because it’s deserved, from the times we need to square our shoulders and say NO to NO?

I’m sorry to use writing as an example, but it is the mossy bog from whence most of my rejection experience sprouts. Traditional publishing is like unto the roller derby. You must pad your vulnerable parts, be sure of your skills, and then hurl yourself into the fray with all the courage you can muster. It’s a brutal thinning of the pack. You have to be prepared for elbow jabs and ruthless shoves and the stomping of toes, all from people who do not know your work.

Isn’t it true of life? We leave ourselves open to critique by people who do not know us. Why do we do that? I love to write, but I did not love that process. So, I surrounded myself with people who DID know my work, and then when they had a suggestion or a critique, I listened, and learned. Life is too short to subject ourselves to unwarranted NOs. Have faith in yourself. Trust your gut. Don’t be afraid to answer NO with a NO of your own. #MomsCompanyTowels #havefaith #answernowithno #mossybogofrejection

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