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Day 37

Day 37: It’s Towelday, and in this week of NO, I’m pinning something to the towel that my mom knew a lot about . . . Working with No.

Hitting rock bottom and building upon a solid foundation sound suspiciously similar. Sometimes we have to fail in order to become structurally sound. Starting from scratch gives us an opportunity to build differently. Working with NO isn’t an easy concept to learn, because it means there will be failure involved, but if we choose to learn from the failure - let it take us back to the sturdy layer - then at the next try, we will be stronger, better informed, and better prepared to succeed.

If your keister’s hit rock bottom, it means you’re on your way to success! My mama taught me that, so it belongs pinned to a towel. #MomsCompanyTowels #rockbottomsandsolidfoundstions #workingwithno #theno

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