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Day 365

Landon Longhurst

Day 365. Yikes! I thought posting this would be easy peasy. Instead, I’m feeling there could be ugly crying later, but let’s carry on, shall we? The last day of the year. The last official post for Mom’s Company Towels. The end of my challenge. I made it! It is also my grandson Landon’s fourth birthday today. He was born on New Year’s Eve, which means the world will always celebrate with him!

Landon is smart and has an imagination like mine. He can spin me story after story, and then he’ll say “Member, Grammy?” like it really happened. I think we may be kindred spirits. When you’re just turning four, the past year was 1/4 of your life, so time probably moves pretty slowly.

But for me, that year was 1/53 of my life, and it went by at the speed of light. This challenge was good for me. I ended up with 365 memories, recorded for future generations, that may have otherwise slipped away and been forgotten. I also reconnected with cousins, with childhood friends, and made so many new friends.

An amazing thing happened as I shared the little moments of my mother. My memories sparked memories for many of you, and you told me your stories. Thank you for sharing your year with me. Sincerely! Thank you! I hope and pray that this new year will be a good year for us all; full of love and hope and laughter! Let’s make a pact; that starting tomorrow, we jot down just one memory we don’t want to forget, and we make a new memory. And another the next day, and another after that.

When you get to the end of the year and you have a jotter full of past memories and a list of new memories made, you’ll be glad you did. I pinky promise. #momscompanytowels #mischiefmanaged #amwriting #amemoryaday

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