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Day 364

hanging pocket watches

Day 364. A whole year’s worth of moments have ticked away in what felt like a couple of weeks. I learned new things this year. I reached outside my comfort zone and accomplished things I hadn’t thought possible.

Writing every day was good practice for me. It made getting into what I call the Write Zone easier for me. I’m going to continue the habit in the new year and finish my next novel. The practice of remembering every day was even better for me. To concentrate on the past, with intention; to search my memories for people and places and feelings and emotions has made those memories easier to recall. My niece asked me how I could remember so much about my past, and in answering her, I realized it was because I was trying to remember. The mental pathways of my Memory Lane cleared and sharpened and opened up to other paths to other memories I had forgotten about. Most of these memories are cherished pieces of my life that I should never have forgotten. Some of these memories are memories I wanted to forget; painful or humiliating or heartbreaking. At first, it was uncomfortable, running into those. But then I realized I could leave them there, on the pathways better left untrod. It was empowering to learn I have ultimate power over those memories and where they’re stored.

Most importantly, I learned to express love at every opportunity, because a year’s worth of moments slip away in the blink of an eye and it’s up to me to turn them into memories before they do. #momscompanytowels #beforethemomentsslipaway

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