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Day 361

NaDine Mallory Cox

Day 361. Are you making some room for the new year? My mother considered the week between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day a bonus for making it through the year. It was special time to drag out the good tidings of Christmas, and also to put things in order for the new year to begin. I remember removing the drawers from my dresser and carrying them into the living room to organize them at Mom’s side while she was doing the same thing with her dresser drawers.

We went through the drawers, the cupboards, and the closets, to “make room for the new year” as she put it.

Somehow, going through the year’s worth of stuff and tossing or donating what wasn’t necessary, not only made room in my dresser, but my headspace, as well.

Making “mental” room for the new year is just as important, and we’ve got five days to accomplish it. #momscompanytowels #makeroomforthenewyear

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